Follow-up Notice of Study Commencement

Reconstruction of Mallory Beach Road Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Please be advised that a notice of study commencement was originally issued to property owners in April 2021 based on properties within the study limits indicated in the key map below. Further to consultations received for the project, this follow up notice of study commencement is provided to all property owners originally circulated for the project and those property owners that are beyond the study limits to the end of Mallory Beach Road.
The Study
Planmac Engineering Inc. has been retained by the Town of South Bruce Peninsula to undertake a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) and Preliminary Design for the reconstruction of Mallory Beach Road for 3.6 km from County Road 9 to Kathleen Avenue. The location of the site is shown on the attached map. The reconstruction will involve pavement rehabilitation which may consist of surface pulverization and resurfacing of the road surface to ensure an extended life expectancy is achieved.
The Process
The project will be completed in accordance with the approved Schedule ‘A+’ planning process as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Document (October 2000 as amended in 2007, 2011 & 2015), published by the Municipal Engineer’s Association. Topographical, legal, and geotechnical survey work was completed in the spring/summer 2021. The preliminary design was presented to council in October 2021.
Should you have any questions regarding this project or information to aid the design process and/or environmental assessment, please feel free to contact the undersigned. To aid the design and construction, we are also interested in hearing if you have any private water or other utility assets that may be located within the roadway.
Mr. Mike Neumann, P.Eng.
Project Manager
Planmac Engineering Inc.
80 North Queen Street, Suite 400
Toronto, ON M8Z 2C9
(416) 626-5300 ext. 204
Ms. Lara Widdifield, C.E.T.
Director of Public Works
Town of South Bruce Peninsula
315 George Street, PO Box 310
Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0
(519) 534-1400 ext. 133
This notice issued February 9, 2022
Comments and information regarding this project are being collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of meeting environmental assessment requirements. With the exception of personal information, all comments received will become a part of the public record.
Consultation has concluded