Gould Street (Elm Street to Division Street) and Pengally Avenue Reconstruction
In 2019, the Town of South Bruce Peninsula retained R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited to provide detailed design engineering, project management, and construction administration services for the future replacement of watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and the required road reconstruction of several roads in the Wiarton settlement area.
Funds have been allocated in the 2024 and 2025 capital budgets for the detailed design, tendering, and construction of Gould Street (Elm Street to Division Street) and Pengally Avenue. In collaboration with R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited, the Town is nearing the completion of the tender preparation process, with construction anticipated to take place between spring 2025 and late fall 2025. The final layer of asphalt is expected to be completed in 2026.
We are committed to keeping the public informed and will provide additional information as it becomes available.