Will I Have Access To My Home Or Business?

    Yes, R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited and its sub-consultants will maintain access to your home and business at all times.  Clear unobstructed entrances shall be maintained to all dwellings and businesses. Emergency vehicular access will also be maintained at all times.

    How Will My Services Be Affected?

    Telephone, hydro, water, cable TV, sewer and gas services should not be affected by the field work, barring any unforeseen circumstances.

    What Do I need To Do To Stay Safe?

    R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited and its sub‑consultants are required to conduct the work in a safe manner including delineation, if required, of the work area, etc.  We ask that you take extra caution during the geotechnical investigation phase of the works as a drilling machine will be drilling for soil samples and one lane of traffic may be affected. The Geotechnical sub-consultant will provide safety and traffic control measures to ensure everyone’s safety.

    Who Do I Call If I Have A Question?

    R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited have designated a “Project Manager” to respond to public inquiries related to this project.  The Project Manager should be your first point of contact regarding any concerns.  You may call or email the Project Manager at any time during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and your call will be responded to as soon as possible.  The Project Manager’s phone number and email address is provided below. 

    R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited

    Paul Hausler, Project Manager

    Telephone: 705-797-4289

    Email:  paul.hausler@rjburnside.com

    Will Anyone Be On My Private Property To Complete The Work?

    The topographic surveyor will need to access private property to complete their work. This work however is expected to be non-invasive and should be to limited to the front yard and will include the front limits of all structures within 10m of the right of way limits.